My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Upon receiving this book you will immediately know it is quite unique. The spine is the top and you open the book by flipping up, not from side to side. A rather interesting quirk that leaves me kind of frustrated because, you know, when you are used to doing it a certain way, change is rather hard to get used to! :P So if you pick this book up to read it, try to remember to flip it up! :D
The poetry in this is short and whimsical while educational. I loved learning about the different and exotic trees. And the author really does a wonderful thing by stretching or changing the direction the words are going in order to punctuate the word choice. He's also incorporated words within the pictures as well. I loved how this is presented in this way.
I also liked the fact that this book includes a glossary (or rather, a glossa-tree as everything is about trees). It not only introduces the young reader to poetry and different types of trees, it also introduces them to a very pertinent part of books. When you need to know what a word means, it is a mini-dictionary. I like that this includes one and thus, encourages the reader to expand his/her vocabulary.
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I love when they use different ways of presentation for books. That makes them much more fun and interesting to read. Sounds great. Thanks for the post.